Funeral for Benjamin De Haan

Funeral service is at Putney Vale Crematorium on Friday 6th January 2023 at 3:15 pm


If you are unable to attend and would like to watch Benjamin's Funeral Service, the webcast details are below:

Login Link:

Username: sinu0045

Password: 573280

Viewing the Webcast

In advance of the service, we strongly recommend you log in to the site and test your internet connection.

You will be able to view the live webcast approximately 5 minutes before the service start time. Please be aware the service is in a public building and earlier services may overrun. Please use your discretion should you see activities unrelated to the service you are here to view.

6th January 2023 at 3:15 pm
Putney Vale Crematorium Stag Lane London SW15 3DZ Get directions

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